Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

Kirstenbosch grows only indigenous South African plants. The Kirstenbosch estate covers 528 hectares and supports a diverse fynbos flora and natural forest. The cultivated garden (36 hectares) displays collections of South African plants, particularly those from the winter rainfall region of the country.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Lesedi Cultural Village provides a taste of South African diversity.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Apartheid Museum

The Apartheid Museum covers a longer history than the 46 years of Apartheid. It does show the legislation, its effects, and the protests that lead to its demise.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The beauty of South Africa

During the Apartheid era the one constant was the beauty of South Africa. The Cape Town skyline of ocean and Table Mountain could not be contained and reserved for "whites only."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Apartheid Era

The Apartheid period started in 1948 with the election of the Nationlist Party and ended in 1994 with the election of the African National Congress (ANC) with Nelson Mandela as President.
Starting in 1948 the Nationalist Party started passing blatantly racist legislation and forced its implementation using every means available, police, army, church, and legislature.
The minority white society maintained a christian democracy for 46 years through "swart gevaar" or "fear of blacks" and every rationalization of white superiority provided by anthropologists, philosphers, Dutch Reformed Ministers, and the racist examples set by Europe and America.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Modern Period

The colonial period was extended in South Africa for a long time. South Africa remained under white minority rule until 1994. Even though it did achieve an independence from colonial power in 1960, the colonial legacy was continued under exclusive white rule for decades.
The modern South Africa called itself the New South Africa for the first few years. There were transitional periods of Truth and Reconciliation, and collaborative power sharing. Now South Africa is accepted into the realm of nations and has to define itself in a post-Madiba era.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Post Colonialism

The post colonial period is the peiod in the 20th century after colonized people became independent. Gandhi lead India to independence in 1948 and African countries scrambled for independence in the sixties. Some countries had to fight harder for independence and some countries are still colonized.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Colonial Period

The colonial period started with the shipping route from Europe to the East. Marco Polo had established a land route. Portugal and Spain became the initial explorers of Africa and the Americas but soon were joined by other European countries.