Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The springbok is the national emblem of South Africa. It forms some of the largest herd and is one of the fastest runners who jump and "pronk" which is an action that fans its tail and is probably pea-cock-like. They inhabit dry areas and it is said they can live their whole life without drinking water since they can get moisture from succulent plants. Even though they are a national animal they are bred for hunting. Their numbers decreased significantly during the 19th and 20th century because of hunting and farm fences cutting off their migratory paths but they are resurging now due to conservation efforts.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


The hippo is known as the most dangerous animal because it is aggressive and attack humans. It is however a plant-eater and lives in water to keep cool and on land to feed. Under water it moves like a ballerina since its body is buoyant under water as it walks and runs along the bottom. It may look more like a pig but is evolutionarily closer related to the whale.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The Giraffe has a long neck but only seven bones like other mammals. It has special adaptions to allow its heart to provide blood to the brain and to limit the flow when the giraffe bends down to drink. Its legs also are adapted so that the blood pressure does not cause damage. It has the lowest need for sleep of any animal ranging from 10 minutes to 2 hours a day. A new born is about six feet tall and walks almost immediately.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Big Five: Lion

The lion is the king of the jungle. He has a roar that makes that point. He is easy to spot in a game reserve but that is because they are pointed out by the wardens. Once you watch them for a while you must be impressed by how lions merge in with the environment. They melt into the brush. It is as if they are chamelions that take on the color and texture of the grass surrounding them. They tend to be relaxing all the time and simply arrive after the females have made the kill to collect the meal.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Big Five: Leopard

The Leopard is nocturnal and opportunistic predator. All the Big Five are dangerous for hunters and the Leopards are known to brazingly hunt humans when they gain a taste. Usually they only hunt humans when they are injured since they have a preference for wild prey.
They are most easily spotted and can be seen up close in South African safaris even though they are widely dispersed around the world.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Big Five: Water Buffalo

The Cape Buffalo or African Buffalo is one of the Big five. It has few predators and can kill humans and lions. They protect their young by herding and keeping the young inside the herd. They will rescue their young in distress. They have not been domesticated like the Asian Buffalo which is not a close relation.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Big Five: Rhino

The Rhino is the most dangerous animal which kills more people than any other. It is solid like a rock.