Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Johannesburg is the largest city in South Africa with almost 4 million people It helps to have Soweto nearby, since Soweto was a SouthWest Township with the largest population in a noncity. Johannesburg is called Egoli or "City of Gold" and reminds me of Dick Wittington who thought London was paved with Gold. Egoli is literally sitting on a goldmine where 40% of the world's gold has been mined.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Bloemforntein is the Judicial Capital of South Africa.
The city’s name means "fountain of flowers," and it is known for its parks and botanical gardens.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Pretoria is the administrative capital. What that means is that the administrative buildings and the civil servants are based in Pretoria.
It is also full of Jacaranda trees. The world may know of it through the famous song, "We are marching to Pretoria"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cape Town

Cape Town is the legislative capital, settled since 1652, and the most beautiful city in the world.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


South Africa has three capitals.
Pretoria is thee administrative capital, Cape Town is the legislative captital and Bloemfontein is the judiicial capital.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

11 Offical languages of South Africa

South africa has 11 Official Languages.

Other languages spoken in South Africa and mentioned in the Constitution are the Khoi, Nama and San languages, sign language, Arabic, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Portuguese, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telegu and Urdu.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

President Jacob Zuma

President Jacob Zuma is the new President of South Africa.